Realizing that they are lucky to have loving families, sophomores at Andover High School raised money for Wednesday's Child (they sent a check for $450.00). "Young people helping special needs children in need of adoptive families" was the theme of the drive. Sophomore adviser Paula Brady praised their hard work and worthy attitudes. Singled out were three sophomores who spearheaded the effort: Kerry Gaj, Elyssa Sloan and Annie Gilmore.

This is not the first time young people in Andover have stepped in to make a difference with Wednesday's Child. Marci and I thank all of you for making a difference in the lives of those who have not been as lucky as most kids.


December 23, 2004

Sophomore Board of Directors
Andover High School
80 Shawsheen Rd.
Andover, MA 01810

Dear Mr. Williams,

Your passion to place special needs children in loving homes is such an important cause. This year's Sophomore Board of Directors at Andover High School realized that and voted to continue our "Letter to Santa" fundraiser for Wednesday's child, collecting $425.00, which is enclosed.

This is Andover High's 2nd year of supporting this effort and each year's Sophomore Class has double the fun in doing it," we ask for a donation from students, faculty, administrators and staff in writing a hand-written Santa letter to a child whom they know. We've heard that some of the children receiving these letters are excited enough to bring them to school for show-and-tell; others have framed their colorful letters, and the Sophomore's who hand-write and decorate the letters from "Santa, c/o Elves Workshop, North Pole", have even said they've found another level of Christmas spirit.

So please accept out enclosed gift as a thank you for giving children another chance to be loved.


Santa Letter Chairpersons
Kerry Gaj, Annie Gilmore and Alyssa Sloan
AHS Sophomore Board of Directors

Attn: Paula Brady, Advisor, AHS


Ms. Kerry Gaj
Ms. Alyssa Sloan
Ms. Annie Gilmore
Andover High School

My young friends,

Marci and I want each of you to know how very proud we are of you. Your hard work to raise money for Wednesday's Child shows a level of maturity and compassion that should make your parents, teachers and fellow students very proud.

I have taken the liberty of placing a tribute to the Sophomore Class at Andover High on our website, which is I asked your adviser Ms. Brady to see if we can get a digital photo of the four of you so we can put in on the website as well.

Please pass on my congratulations to all members of the sophomore class who helped with this project.

I created Wednesday's Child in 1981. Five years ago, Marci and I created the Jack Williams Endowment for Wednesday's Child, a 501-C3 charity to assure continued funding for special needs adoption. People like you have joined us to look after these children, who need what so many of us take for granted: loving families.

Thank you,

Jack Williams


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