Letters & Follow-up

Hi Jack,

My name is Sandra Smith. My husband and I live on the South Shore. We are
both foster parents. We have 3 great girl's. We have always wanted children. We haven't had any luck. The girls are great and we wouldn't give them up for anything. We are missing one thing though. We really want to give a child/baby with Down's a loving home. I have looked all over the web and most children with Down's are not in the US. We don't have the money to travel out of the country to adopt. As a child I took care of adults and children that were mentally disabled. I loved it! I knew from a young age of 13 that's what I wanted to do. That same babysitting job was where I met Peter. Peter was a little boy with Down's. He was the most lovable boy. I still wonder how he is and hope he is well. After getting married at 23 I did what's called Specialized home care. I cared for adult's that were mentally disabled in my home. Loved it! Did that for years. From there I got into foster care. That leaves me to where I am now. I'm sure you are wondering why I am writing you. I have looked at your site and I didn't see any children with Down's. Do you know of any Down's children/babies that need a home? If you do could you please write me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail,
Sandra Smith
Looking and hoping

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