Letters & Follow-up |
Jack, My son, Mark Collins, graduated from Curry yesterday. He was Louis' roommate in Freshman year. I wanted you to know how wonderful I thought your commencement address was and how awesome your work has been for unfortunate children. Your address was inspiring and the message just perfect. I hope all the seniors remember your formula for success. Thank you for all that you do.
John Glenn Middle School Dear Jack Williams, To be brief I have watched
the news on WBZ for over 20 years. I prefer to get my evening news from
WBZ because I feel it is the best news program in Boston. I feel that
WBZ does a better job of fairly bringing the news to the public then(sp)
most. Likewise your Wednesday Child segment has been a great service
to the community. I hope that you and WBZ will continue this and the
other services that you folks provide to the community. However what
leads me to write you is my disappointment. Recently, I felt your response
on TV to an email you got was out of line. I would like to hope that
you misspoke and that perhaps your personnel opinions are different
then(sp) what they appeared to be in your response. I would like to take a moment to share
a few thoughts with you in this regard. I am not supporting or agreeing
with the gentleman's email you responded to. I am not going to tell
you about my religious beliefs or choices that I have made in my life.
I am not even going to tell you where I stand on this issue involving
gays and lesbians. However you will have an idea about how I feel about
it. I am writing because I am very concerned about the kids. With Respect, John Reed