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Letters & Follow Up

Nick is adopted
  Back row - Eddie Herman, Joseph Dryer
Front row - Nick's Gram, Nick and his Uncle Rob

Dear Nicole, Kate and Mr. Williams;

It is with great honor that I pass onto you, as Father of Nicholas R Herman that effective as of 9/11/07 at 3:30pm that Nick's adoption has taken place and he, as well as the rest of the family couldn't be any happier. We again would like to thank you Mr. Williams for highlighting Nick on Wednesday's child last year, for I strongly believe that his placement and adoption with us was a calling that was meant to happen. Again thank you.

Nicole I will be getting that info together for you, along with the picture from the courthouse and sending it off with in the next few days.

Sincerely Yours,
-Joseph Dyer
-Edward Herman
-Nicholas Herman

Nick's graduation 2008

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