Success Story


Nick's graduation 2008

Hey everyone,

Well its over, Nick is now an official member of Clinton High Class of 2012. He made his family proud of him and understands why we pushed him to his abilities and the reward for him accomplishing them.

He has come a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way, and not long ago some people in the outside world who didint know Nick, never though he would have come this far.

Enjoy the pic, and a copy of his diploma is in PDF file, so if you have adobe reader you should be able to view it.

On Behalf of my family there are a few individuals that have and will always be a MAJOR factor in Nicks life that has helped him throughout his life, Patty and Lauren , you have always been there for Ed and I when the situation warrents it, you belived in US and most importantly you belived in Nick for which he will always remember ( yes lauren his missed you at graduation!! ), To Katie from YOU INC, even though NIck only met you a couple times, he remembers when you went to bat with us in Arlington that day, so that he was able to make his first trip to FLorida and finally....Mr. Jack Williams of WBZ4 News and Wednesdays child, Mr Williams iknow you have heard us say it before... but Thankyou !!! ( and i belive that all i need to say :)

In Closing again to all of you........ THANKYOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nick's adoption 2007

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